The US president accused the media of favoring China

Trump Wants to Starve States Into Opening Before It's Safe
Washington: US President Donald Trump has accused the media of favoring China.
According to a foreign news agency, US President Donald Trump once again lashed out at the media and accused US CBS Media TV of favoring China.
"CBS is defending the virus that is engulfing China and the world, and I think they want to do business in China," said US President Donald Trump.
It should be noted that even before this, the US President has expressed anger over the media.
Even two weeks ago, US President Donald Trump lashed out at the US media and called it lame.
He had said that the American media only broadcasts fake news but if the media has to ask aggressive questions then there is no point in briefing.
Last week, the US president announced the abolition of the White House Corona Task Force, saying that the task force had done a good job but would now be changed.
He said the abolition of the task force did not mean the end of the Corona virus.
The US president said that the US economy could not be shut down for five years. The strategy is changing and now we are going to open a business in the country.
He also said that a new team is now needed to oversee the rehabilitation process in the country. According to US media, George Kishner will head the new task force

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