By 2020, global carbon dioxide emissions will fall by 4 to 7 percent

Trees and Carbon Dioxide: What Is the True Connection?

The Corona virus outbreak will reduce carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels worldwide by 7% by 2020, but despite this dramatic reduction, the sharpest since World War I, long-term global warming is unlikely Researchers have published a report on the effects of carbon dioxide emissions from epidemic diseases in the journal Nature Climate Change, which first appeared in early April due to a corona virus lockdown. Carbon pollution decreased by 17 per cent over the same period last year In the first four months of 2020, the four countries or bloc, China, the United States, the European Union and India, accounted for two-thirds of the reduction, equivalent to more than a billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide emissions were recorded at 37 billion tons. Korn Lee Courier, a professor of climate change research at the University of East Anglia and a professor at the Tendal Center for Climate Change Research, says limiting the population to indoor energy There have been drastic changes in the use of and carbon dioxide emissions The eruption is temporary and does not reflect structural changes in the economy, transportation or energy system. LeCour and his team say that if the global economy continues to be plagued by an epidemic by mid-June, Under the expected scenario, carbon dioxide emissions are expected to decrease by only 4% in 2020. But if year-round lockdown restrictions remain in place, the reduction will be around 7%. Frequent work from home can lead to poor mental health

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