Three non-pharmaceutical measures against Corona

The Coronavirus Outbreak Could Disrupt the U.S. Drug Supply ...
Immediate diagnosis of epidemics, prevention of the spread of epidemics, and discovery of treatment methods for victims are extremely difficult issues. China is the first country in the world to have not only achieved significant success in all these areas, but is also sharing its experiences with the world in this regard. Independent investigations are underway around the world to uncover the secrets of China's success. One such study was recently published in the well-known research journal Nature. On May 4, the prestigious international scientific journal Nature published on its website a report prepared by a multinational research team of experts from the United Kingdom, China and the United States. The data and reviews compiled in this study show that three "non-pharmaceutical barriers" have played a significant role in preventing the epidemic in China. These barriers not only prevented the spread of the novel coronavirus in China, but also provided the world with valuable time to prepare for the epidemic. The study pointed out that if these strong "non-pharmaceutical" barriers were not met. If that were the case, the number of COD-2 cases in China could increase 67-fold. The study was conducted by research teams from the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom, Fudan University in China, Wuhan CDC Center, Howard University in the United States and Johns Hopkins University. The three main "non-pharmaceutical" barriers adopted in China include inter-city travel bans, early identification of infected patients and ensuring isolation and social distance from healthy people.
According to many intellectuals and analysts, the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party is one of the secrets of defeating the plague in China. One of the virtues.
Analysts say China's short-term success in controlling the epidemic is due to "putting all resources together in the first place, prioritizing important issues." This is the virtue of the system. Is facing a shortage of medical resources. However, China, with its strong social system and organizational capabilities, overcame these problems and stopped the spread of the epidemic.
The international community must unite and fight the epidemic with determination. There is still much to be done to strengthen global cooperation and work for victory in the war between man and the virus. When the world faced a financial crisis in 2008, the G20 leaders gathered in Washington and agreed on a series of measures to tackle the financial crisis. In the same year, China launched encouraging policies to improve the economy, which helped the global economy emerge from the crisis. That unity is still needed. China has been greatly affected by COD-2 and has made great sacrifices in fighting the epidemic, but has also gained valuable experience in fighting the virus. China is sharing these experiences with the rest of the world today. The virus is the common enemy of human beings against which no country is safe. At present, the international community needs more unity and cooperation to fight the epidemic. It is necessary to stop blaming others for personal gain. China has beaten the epidemic with its own experiments. Routine life has returned to normal in China, but caution has not been lifted. After the lockdown in Pakistan, the citizens must take basic precautionary measures so that the government's efforts to normalize life are effective and the people benefit without any harm.

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