On repatriation, some influential people want to go home without taking a test

Govt plans to bring back 2,000 stranded Pakistanis: Moeed Yusuf

Special Assistant for National Security Moeed Yousuf while instructing the returnees from abroad that SOPs should be followed, some influential people want to go home without taking any test. Health is a big issue, all the people who come abroad will be tested and further decision will be made whether to keep them in quarantine or send them home.
Speaking at a press conference with the Special Assistant for Health, Moeed Yousuf said that there are Pakistanis in 88 countries who want to return, 90% of the Pakistanis living abroad belong to three countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Is from Our ambassadors to the country concerned decide the return of those stranded abroad.
Moeed Yousuf said that we want to bring back all the Pakistanis trapped abroad using safe methods.
If we ignore hygiene, our own loved ones may get sick because of us. Passengers cannot be exempted if they stay in a hotel at their own expense or undergo a quarantine test. "The return process is slow because we have to make room for these people to be quarantined," he told a news conference. We can bring back about 7,000 people at once.
A meeting is being held again to increase this number in which quarantine centers and capacity building will be considered. He said that there is no restriction on passengers leaving Pakistan. You can go to the country where PIA is conducting flight operations. Apart from PIA, Pakistanis are allowed to fly out of Qatar on special flights. These views were expressed by Special Assistant for National Security Moeed Yousuf during a press conference with Special Assistant for Health.

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