Encouraging results of the corona vaccine experiment on monkeys

Macaque study: MERS-CoV settles deep in lungs | CIDRAP
Vaccines tested on animals for the treatment of the global epidemic of corona virus have yielded encouraging results, raising hopes of an early availability of the corona vaccine. The Code 19 vaccine was tested in six monkeys of the same species, and the results showed that the vaccine protected them from the corona virus.
According to the report, the monkeys were first infected with the corona virus and then vaccinated. The six monkeys who were vaccinated were found to have fewer viruses in their lungs and respiratory tract. The experiment was conducted in the United States. Scientists from the University of Health and Oxford University in the United Kingdom participated.
The vaccine also helped prevent monkeys from getting pneumonia.
It should be noted that the immune system of the Asian-born Rhesus monkey is similar to that of the human immune system, so it was selected for the experiment. Fortunately, the vaccine caused the immune system to become very active in monkeys, causing another disease. It was not taken as it was feared with the vaccine. In the past, in some of the animals tested on the SARS vaccine, the vaccine had to be stopped. Other scientists have not yet commented on the experiment and it has not been officially published, but Stephen Evans, a professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, described it as "very encouraging". The experiment is being performed on humans in England, and currently the results from monkeys do not indicate that the vaccine will have the same effect on humans. The vaccine is being tested on about a thousand volunteers under the University of Oxford in the UK. More than 100 vaccines for the corona virus are being tested worldwide

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