After successful testing on Rats, vaccine testing on monkeys also began

Monkeys resistant to coronavirus reinfection - The Hindu

Following the successful testing of the coronavirus vaccine on rats in Thailand, it has also been tested on monkeys.
The Thai Minister of Higher Education, Science and Research said researchers hoped to see a clear conclusion by September on the effects of the vaccine.
According to the Bangkok Post, speaking to the media, he said that this project is not only for the Thais but also for the human race.
"The prime minister (Priyote Chen Oocha) has proposed a policy that we should develop a vaccine to be part of the global effort to fight corona."
The Thai vaccine uses Messenger RNA, which signals the body's cells to produce antigens that help the immune system to function.
The vaccine is one of at least 100 vaccines produced worldwide and was developed by the National Vaccine Institute, Department of Medical Sciences and Vaccine Research Center at Cholalong Korn University.

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