Corona-affected New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says the virus has entered New York from Europe, rather than China, due to delays in President Donald Trump's travel bans.
According to Reuters, Governor Andrew Cuomo, citing research from Northeastern University in the United States, said the virus had entered New York from Italy, and more than 10,000 by the time the first Corona case was reported in New York on March 1. The virus had spread to civilians.
According to Johns Hopkins University, 2,790,000 people worldwide have been infected with corona, compared to 890,524 in the United States.
In New York State alone, there have been 16,646 deaths.
The New York governor criticized President Donald Trump, saying the virus had spread so far by the time travel bans were imposed that it was difficult to control.
By the time President Trump banned travel to China on February 2, it had been more than a month since the Corona epidemic broke out in Wuhan, Governor Andrew Cuomo said. A month later, travel to Europe was banned in March.
"By the time China was banned from traveling, the virus had spread to other countries."
Addressing a press briefing, the governor said the lockdown was imposed 19 days after Corona's first case in New York.
Unemployed in the lockdown is relying on American food banks. Photo: AFP
Andrew Cuomo criticized other countries' leaders for delaying security measures against Corona, saying there were disturbing reports from Wuhan in January and February that the virus was spreading rapidly and taking precious lives. In those two months, 2.2 million people landed at New York and New Jersey airports on European flights, most of them possibly infected with the virus.
He said two months after the outbreak in China, the United States began taking precautionary measures, and it was important to learn from mistakes, as corona or a new virus could re-emerge in the fall.
The governor said the lockdown would continue in New York until May 15. Corona's 14,258 patients are being treated in New York hospitals, and the number of patients has been declining over the past ten days, a welcome change.