We use an infinite amount of things daily or do many things that make us comfortable - but we are completely unaware that some things are providing ease over time, but in reality we are being put to death. Taking Yes - Today we will tell you about some simple things that can ruin your health -
Drinking out of plastic bottles
Often plastic bottles contain a large number of micro-plastics that are hazardous to human health - they are pieces of any kind of plastic that are less than 5 mm in length - present in the body. Increase fat as well as have negative effects on the nervous system and immune system.
Using dry cleaned clothes
Dry cleaning is actually a chemical process - many hazardous chemicals are used when drying clothes - and some of these chemicals remain in the clothes - these chemicals can enter our body through the breath and into the eyes. Itching or headache can cause dizziness and dizziness.
Holding sneezes
You should never try to stop sneezing because it can cause air to pass through the ears - which can cause blood vessels in the eyes or nose or ears.
Using perfumes full of chemicals
There are many perfumes that contain toxic substances, while the secrets are secreted. These substances are derived from petroleum and can cause nausea and vomiting besides hormone imbalances. I can make this cancer patient too -
Popping pimples
First of all, it is possible to scratch or tear the teeth and even cause blemishes - the facial glands have direct contact with the brain and the process of infection with acne or pimples. Causes - This thing is so dangerous that it can also cause vision and stroke complications.
Using cosmetics with synthetic components
It is important to know that the makeup you are using contains synthetic ingredients that can be very harmful to you. These ingredients can accumulate in your body over time and can cause skin irritation and even cancer.
Not changing your pillow
Each night when you sleep, your pillow absorbs skin, hair and body oils. It can produce dust particles in your pillow that can cause really bad allergies.
Plucking nose hairs
Pulling hair from the nose can cause skin irritation and swelling. If you remove the hair, you will also weaken your immune system and it can potentially cause other brain infections.