Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen has accused the US president of being "racist" and "bullying"

 According to Michael Cohen, a former lawyer for Donald Trump, the US president's behavior is bullying and he has a "bad opinion of all black people". He made the allegations in his new book, Disloyal: A Memoir. He wrote the book while in prison, serving sentences for violating financial regulations and other crimes during President Trump's election campaign.

Cohen claims that President Trump made racist remarks about Nelson Mandela and Hispanics. The White House says Cohen is lying.

"Cohen is a notorious criminal and a barrister who lied to Congress," White House Press Secretary Kelly McKinney said in a statement. He has lost all his credibility and his new attempt to make a profit from these lies is not surprising. In his book, Cohen accused Trump of "committing the crimes" that led to his imprisonment. He called his former boss a "fraud, liar, racist, lustful and deceitful." He also said that his mind was like that of a 'gang leader'. Several US news outlets have quoted excerpts from his book, which is due out on Tuesday. Here are some of the key claims. Cohen writes in his book: "Trump has a bad opinion of all black people, whether they belong to music or culture or to politics." He claimed that Donald Trump had said that former South African President and anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela was "no leader". Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa after 27 years in prison during the apartheid era, according to Cohen. Trump once said: No, they're all completely [abusive] toilets. " These words are in line with similar allegations made in 2018 when Trump allegedly said that all African countries are piles of filth.

At the time, Trump told reporters: "I'm not a racist. I am the least racist of all the people you interviewed. He has been accused of racism throughout his presidency and is facing charges again in the run-up to the November presidential election. In his book, Cohen accused President Trump of "hating and slandering" his predecessor, Barack Obama. . In November 2016, US President Barack Obama meets with US President-elect Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

He writes: "Trump hired an Obama-like counterpart for a video, then first insulted the black American president, then fired him."

The US media has since started playing an old video in which President Trump is firing the person who played the role of Barack Obama in the role of the host of his TV show The Apprentice. The video is believed to have been made for the 2012 Republican convention when Mitt Romney was nominated as the Republican presidential candidate, but the video was never released. According to Cohen, Trump once said: 'I will never get the Spanish vote. Like blacks, they are so stupid that they will not vote for Trump. They are not my people. ' His comments about Latin Americans have been in the media spotlight throughout his presidency, especially when he repeatedly insulted Mexicans during his campaign. In 2019, President Trump addressed a rally in New Mexico: "No one loves Spaniards." Donald Trump prays with his specially appointed spiritual adviser, Paula White, along with other evangelical Christian leaders. Cohen says he turned away when Trump met evangelical Christian leaders at Trump Tower shortly after he won the election. And said: 'Can you believe that people believe this [abuse]?' President Trump has won the votes of a large number of evangelical Christians and has said that he himself is deeply religious. His vice president, Mike Pence, is also a devout Christian. Cohen writes that President Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin in the words that he "managed to dominate an entire country and run it as if it were his own company, such as the Trump Organization."

Cohen says President Trump used to flatter President Putin so that he could gain access to Russian money if he lost the 2016 election. But Cohen also says Trump's campaign was "so chaotic and incompetent that it could not have conspired with the Russian government" once it came to power. In 2016, Cohen secretly paid adult film actress Stormy Daniels. Stormy Daniels claimed he had an affair with President Trump

The payment, which violated campaign funding, was one of the crimes that led to Cohen's imprisonment. Cohen has long maintained that he was following President Trump's orders, but Trump has always denied this. Cohen claims in the book that President Trump said: 'There is no point in dealing with these issues, but many of my friends have advised me to pay. I don't know what effect it will have on my supporters if it comes out. But I can bet they'll think it's great that I've slept with a porn star. ' Michael Cohen has been President Trump's personal lawyer for many years. Cohen has worked closely with Trump for many years and is often known as his "fixer." But then their relationship soured, and Cohen made a strong statement to Congress before the impeachment of President Trump. In 2018, he was jailed for tax evasion, false statements, and campaign violations.

The fired lawyer is currently serving the remainder of his three-year sentence at his home in New York. He was released on suspicion of contracting the coronavirus.

He was sent back to prison for a short time, but a federal judge intervened and ordered that the government do so in return for writing his book.

President Trump has called Cohen a "stab in the back" and a liar.

Cohen once said he was ready to eat a bullet for President Trump.

But now he says he has even received death threats from President Trump supporters.

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