Russia increases testing before easing lockdown

Russia's Natural Population Decline to Hit 11-Year Record in 2019 ...
Moscow has begun testing thousands of civilians during a mass screening on Friday to detect the corona virus.
Officials say they will then be able to determine if it is safe to ease the lockdown.
Russia's 12.7 million-strong capital, Moscow, is in its seventh week of lockdown and is facing the same effects as the rest of the country. Corona virus has infected more than a quarter of people across Russia, according to official figures.
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanan says the epidemic is far more widespread than official figures because many people have no symptoms and are unaware that they have transmitted the virus to others. Can
According to Sergey, large-scale testing will be able to identify such people and provide real statistics about the epidemic. And this situation will give the authorities the right picture that it will be easier for them to ease the lockdown in a timely manner, when there is no risk of further damage.

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